Puppies at Bralex
We encourage all
of our puppy families to visit often to help to bond with the puppy
early as
well as being great social entertainment for the pups. All
puppies need to
experience a variety of people and situations in order to be well
adjusted and outgoing.
Nothing helps better then children.
5 weeks and
playing in the warm summer sun.
The six little
monsters at 3 weeks old.
Ya we know mom always told us not to stick out our tongue...LOL
Secrets are special between puppies.
Feb 13, the little guys waiting for dinner
Love those zippers on puppies
Midas hanging out at the Pawsway Centre in Toronto for "Lab Day"
Midas and Ryan at Pawsway... quite the pair
Guess and Ryan babies
It wouldn't be a photo shoot without JoJo interrupting to tidy up babies
Trouble is never far away when there are labrador
puppies involved.
The fern plant is a favorite tug toy and made even better with the
bounce back of the leaves when you let go.
Nothing cozier then a sleepy puppy.
Oh look what big teeth you have...