our Rescue page.
We have been involved
in rescue for about 18 years, fostering and
rehoming over 400 dogs through our home.
We have taken in owner
surrenders as well as shelter dogs that they
have had difficulty placing.
Over the years we have
also whelp several litters for the SPCA in our
puppy room to give
the new babies a good
head start before being adopted out through the

In the last 6 months (Dec 2014) we have rehomed 14 labradors through
our home and
found homes for 5 more that the owners kept until placement could be
found. Please choose wisely when looking for a pet to bring into
your home, adoptions should be for life not just for when it is
We currently have a 7 year old black female
available in our rescue program.
Catie has a home! Diane came to see her and the rest is history.
Catie touched many with her difficult beginnings with us. She
thrived in an enriched environment and became the awesome dog
that she is.

The Bitter
Every rescue has them, every person who has ever been involved in
animal care has them. The bitter truth behind the scenes that is
often only made public by celebrities and Human Societies looking for
shock factor. The reality is horrific things are done to animals who
entrust their lives with those who are suppose to protect and love
them. They don’t just happen to animals who live in poor countries or
animals that live in wealthier ones. They happen in every
country, in every nation and they happen with alarming
regularity. Are these acts always intentional, no not
always. Is it a matter of education, perhaps. The one thing
those people who spend their days looking after abandoned, abused or
neglected animals do know is that it happens way too often. If
these stories were brought to the publics attention every time an
atrocity occurs to an animal there would be little else for the news to
Catie’s Story
and photos T.L.Yates
Catie is the story of a little girl, she is black and she is so
sweet. Her name has not always been Catie but when you live
through a the pain and suffering Catie has, well it’s time for a name
wipe the slate clean and start fresh.
Catie started fresh on Dec. 1, 2012. Catie is 1
& 1/2 year old lab / boxer cross. In Catie’s case someone did
care for her, she was house trained and given lots of lessons on
manners and obedience to help her be a good family dog.
Unfortunately Catie had an accident around the beginning of October
2012. He tail was slammed in a door and broken. Her family
took her to the vet and had the tail fixed. Whether it be
from misunderstanding or from neglect the rest of Catie’s journey
started to unravel.
was not monitored closely enough when she came home and was able to
chew at the newly repaired tail. When the owner discovered the
damage she was muzzled to keep her from doing even more damage.
Now we all know that cones on a dogs head are a recipe for disaster
but what choice do we have, it is for their own safety. Instead
putting a cage muzzle on Catie was the method her family chose to help
her recover. Understanding that a dog cannot eat or drink with a
cage muzzle on we are assuming it was removed for short periods of
time. Regardless as to how often the muzzle was put into place
the results of the muzzle have left their marks on Catty for a long
to come. 
Now with open
sores on her face and a tail in need of repair again, the families
decision was to euthenize her. Catie’s vet at the time knew that
rescue would find a place for this girl. A quick call to Diane
and she was picked up within hours of the call and brought to Bralex
. Her initial assessment showed significant weight loss, scabs
and sores on her face and neck and a tail that would need to be
amputated before she would be pain free. 
Surgery was booked for Dec. 4, three days after she came into
care. In the couple of days before her surgery Catie was
frightened and introverted. Her reaction to other dogs was
questionable so
we kept her apart from them until we were sure she was no longer in
She was given a new collar to keep her from injuring herself further
while making sure she was able to eat, drink and move around
freely. The collar shown on Catie above is a “BITE NOT” collar
and they are available from veterinary supply and some retail pet
stores. It fits like a neck brace and wraps around her shoulders
to keep it in place. They collar is Velcro on and provides the
restriction required to keep her from injuring herself further while
keeping her calm and conformable. We highly recommend them.
Surgery date arrived and we had a quick discussion around how much tail
we would need to remove to prevent re-injury and what is safe in case
we needed to amputate more. Catie’s tail was docked to the 3rd
joint which still gives her lots of wag. After all what's a girl
without her “wag” Laser was used to help heal as well as reduce
the amount of healing required. Catie’s recovery went well and we
were soon on our way home to rest for the afternoon. She already
appeared to be a totally different dog. Once home
Catie didn’t want to rest or lay down, she wanted to investigate her
new digs. After spending her first three days confined she wanted
no more of it. She was ready to take on the world.
She ate and drank while happily waging her “nubb”. Gone was the
introverted girl from just days before and welcome home Catie! With the
time and care of her new guardians @ Bralex, Catie was already well on
her way to a new life filled no pain and only love and affection.
Catie still has to put on some weight which is obvious from her
photo. She loves her food and treats so gaining some weight
shouldn't be too difficult for this girl. She is loving the snow
that fell over the holidays. The scars on her face are mostly
healed and the soars under her neck are much better as well. She
has learned to share with everyone and is quite comfortable around the
little dogs and the cats

Catie Dec 28 & Dec 30 she is now a total couch dog and spends her
nights on our bed.

from left to right Pocket (blind and deaf miniature Daschund) Kaos,
Puss and Catie.

Beans has a home
Lynn and Peter came to meet Beans on April 6 and just fell in
love. They already have a yellow male (rescue) from us several
years ago and the time was right to bring in a new boy to the home. He
is an 8 year
old chocolate male.
Beans is completely blind but navigates our home like a pro. He is
completely trained and knows all of his commands.
He has been blind for several years and has become very good
at adapting to his surroundings.
He is able to go outside off leash and come back in unassisted.
Beans will do well in any home and even at 8 years of age his is still
full of love and affection. He craves belly rubs and scratches
the ear. Beans would make a great companion for an older
couple who are looking for a sweet boy to spend time with.

Nykko has a new HOME!!
Yellow Male "Nykko" is 4 years old
and looking for his new place to lay his head
Nykko journey to his new life started in Ottawa where he
put on some much needed weight (he was 42lbs). He left Ottawa
with pilot Ron and was the inaugural flight in Ontario for Pilots and Paws.
His journey continued here with us having him vetted,
neutered and settled into a routine in our home.
He is now ready to spread his paws and pounce the next thing life has
to offer.
Great with kids, other dogs big or small and cats.
Nykko is up to date on vaccines and neutered crate trained and has his
basic obedience skills.
He could use a little work on leash walking but hey can't they all?

a.k.a Spookie has a new home!

Buddy has a new home!
Buddy went into Anne's care weighing
40lbs. He was 5 1/2 months old at the time (Jan 2012) and with proper care and
attention had gained 6 pounds in 2
weeks . He came from an abused and neglected background and was
in pretty rough shape when Anne took him in. He has since been
dewormed, neutered, vaccinated and is healthy again. Through all of his
trauma he is so friendly and loves to be with people.
Buddy found his new home shortly after coming into our care. He
is enjoying
the life of a spoiled dog and we are thrilled that he is
finally in a home that loves him.
Ricci has a new home!
thanks to all those
involved to help bring
this girl to a new forever home.

has a new home!!!

Daphne has a new home!

debate between purebred dogs and shelter dogs.
While there are always two sides to every story we believe this article
written by Susi Szeremy
accurately states the obvious. Our program is based on Susi's
points in the article about
breeders of purebred dogs being the front line of placing shelter dogs .
We believe that our efforts make a difference for many and the dogs we
place are testament that responsible breeders do look after their own
as well
as others born from irresponsible breeding practices.
Thought provoking to be sure...
It's not just for Jews and catholics Anymore (Purebred Dog Owners Can
Retriever RESCUE
Heart Belongs to a Rescued Dog
The moment I first saw
So lonely and so lean -
I wondered to myself
day What sadness you had seen.
As soon as we
It's almost like you knew -
That I would love you
Through the good and bad times too.
Now you share your
life with
me We rarely are apart -
A precious friendship
rescued On the day I lost my heart.

a Dog
about world peace.
I won't single handily save the rain forest. I'm not a brain
and I'll never transplant an organ to save a life. I don't have
ear of a powerful politician or world power. I can't end world
. I'm not looked up to by millions around the world. Very
few people even know my name. I'll never win the Nobel
There are a lot of things that I'll never do or become.
today, I
placed a dog!
It was a
scared, bundle of
flesh and bones that was dropped off in a shelter by unfeeling people
didn't care what happened to it but yet who were responsible for it
having existence in the first place.
I found
it a home.
It now
contentment and an abundance
of love. A warm place to sleep and plenty to eat. Two
boys have a warm fuzzy new friend who will give them unquestioning
and teach them about responsibility and love.
A wife
and mother
has a new spirit
to nurture and care for.
A husband
a father has
a companion to sit at his feet at the end of a hard day of work and
him relax and enjoy life. And a sense of security, that when he
gone all day at work, that there is a protector and a guardian in his
to keep watch over his family.
No, I'm
not a
Rocket Scientist.
contact labrador rescue
you don't rescue... don't breed.
Rescuers Quilt
I arrived at the Bridge, I faced
all the
animals that had gone there before me.
Before each of us go to the Bridge, we live our lives like the squares
of a quilt, mirrored in the eyes of the animals awaiting us. An animal
Angel sits before each of us sewing our quilt squares together in a
tapestry that is our life. But as my animal Angel took each piece of
cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares
They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part
of my life as a rescuer that had been difficult, the challenges I was
faced with in my quest to save lives and the times I had been tempted
to take the easy way out and avoid the controversy rather than speak
for the animals that could not speak for themselves.
I saw hardships that I had endured for the sake of the animals, which
were the largest holes of all. I glanced around me. Nobody else had
such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other
tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly
fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened. My animal Angel
was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty,
like binding air.
Finally, the time
came when each
life was to be displayed, held up to
the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose, each in turn,
holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been with the
riches of the Earth. My animal Angel looked upon me, and nodded for me
to rise. My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the
earthly fortunes. I had love in my life, and laughter and the sweet
kisses of the precious animals that Honored my life with their
presence. But there had also been the trials of illness, and death, and
false accusations that took me from their world, as I knew it. I had to
start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit,
only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent
many nights crying and praying that somehow the strength would come to
go on, asking for help and guidance as I tried to help the Helpless. I
had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each
time enduring it for the sake of the animals who looked at me with
trust and love in their eyes.
And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to
accept it for what it was. I rose and slowly lifted the combined
Squares of my life to the light. An awe-filled gasp filled the air. I
gazed around at the animals gathered there, who stared at me with wide
eyes. Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me.
Light flooded the many holes, creating an image of an animal that had
depended on me. All the animals at the Bridge stood before me, with
warmth and love in their eyes. They said, "Every time you gave over
your life to help us, it gave us life. Each point of light in your life
is when you stepped aside and let us shine through, until there was
more of us than there was of you."
May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing the animals to
shine through. ~unknown