2002 SARDAA Members
Top Row - Steve Moore, Michelle
Limoges & RETTA,
Shannon Porter
Middle Row - Darrell Dancause
& BEN,
Imgrid Bredt & HANNAH,
Alison O'Keefe & MERLIN, Theresa Hills
Bottom Row - Kevin
George & SHAKA, Terray
Moore & K'LA,
Jenny Bronicheski
Mary Ann Warren & HILL
© Copyright 2001 by Search and Rescue
Dog Association
of Alberta
"I was sure
proud of him,
he was the youngest dog testing
and he did a
great job.
I thought I would give you the
report. I am told,
that getting this
far was the
easy part ,now
comes the real hard work.
Well, you could
have fooled
Jenny &

photo by Tanya Richens
click on photo to see more of
Tanya's work
or email Tanya at tanya@candidcaninephotos.com

Labradors is extremely
to share one of the newest accomplishment of
Service Dogs.
a.k.a. Bralex's
Parting of the
Moses is working
for a young
boy with Autism.
He was produced by
Bralex Labradors,
and trained by
National Service

Photos taken at the
ceremony, May 4, 2002, for the 2001 graduating class
from N.S.D.
National had
13 dogs graduate from their amazing program last year.
It is because of
their hard work,
that 13 peoples lives
have been enriched by
these wonderful
Way to go N.S.D. we
are so proud
to work with this program.

Parting of the Waves a.k.a. Moses graduated from NSD.
We recognize that Moses and many others deserve to be honored by their
own accomplishments. With the trainer's ability to see, work with
and expand upon the inherited quality of these special dogs, NSD has
the qualities we strive
produce in our breeding program.
visiting with Moses and his new friend, Chris reported that Moses is
riding the bus with his companion to school everyday. He is with
his friend all day and has even been hitting the ski hills on Friday
owner writes
is 74 pounds and the vet just fell in love with
She was so excited that he was a service dog. "
sleeps with ******* on his bed every night and we try to go for walks
night as well. He has a huge back yard to run around in when his
jacket's not on and our other dog Emma (black lab) and Moses are
like brother and sister.......they are very close.
Though many of the puppies that leave Bralex do not
go on to become rescue dogs or working dogs all of them do go on to be
the light in peoples eyes.
We have Canadian Champions, we have Companion Dog Titles, we have
Canine Good Citizen Titles and
Working Certificates,
and the best of all we have the honourable keep you feet warm on a cold
night title.
We are proud to say all of the labs ever produced by
Bralex have achieved this last title will little or no effort. A
big hurray for all the working dogs in the world. Enriching the
lives of the people they love.
At the end of the day we DO count titles.